Friday, May 28, 2010

I Heart Faces - Fix it Fridays


Here is the original.4647424906_aca36474e2_bI did an edit on the little girl’s skin to help smooth things out and cropped out the toes. I actually like the toes, but it seemed a little odd since it wasn’t her whole foot and it didn’t include the little boy’s toes too. 4647424906_aca36474e2_b copyHere is another edit I tried. I cooled the skin down and brightened things up. I actually like the clean edit of their little faces and added the PW lovely action to soften things up.4647424906_aca36474e2_b bw  copy lighten cool and lovely  I just thought I would play a little with these little ones…4647424906_aca36474e2_b bw  copy lighten cool and lovely copy

If you have time…head over to iheartfaces and see  how everyone else edited the same pic!


  1. LOL! Cute caption on the last edit! :)

  2. Adorable--they really do look like they're talking to each other. Great idea!

  3. That's so funny! We always make up thoughts as to what they are saying to each other! Love it!

  4. Ha ha, love that caption. So true! I like the edits.
