I have been doing a 365 project for a year and a half now. Amazingly enough I haven’t missed a shot yet and only one was at 10:00 at night. This past month on top of my regular weekly assignments with the 365 I have been doing a daily one for the month of July. I thought I would toss those shots out here and see what you think about my responses to the daily assignments. They have another one lined up for the month of August, but I am not sure if I can keep up with two sets of shots each day or not. Every now and again my shots could be used for both assignments, but definitely not every day. What do you think…keep going with double assignments or go back to just one?
In any case, this will be a long post since I decided not to break it up into a bunch. So here are my choices for the daily assignments.
Something You Enjoy – Lavender, I love lavender. Snuggly – My little boy in his robe.
Home – My front door.
Water – Down by the railroad bridge.
Treat – Coffee is always my favorite treat, especially a Cinnamon Soy Latte.
Hot Summer Day – Enjoying the Blob.
Wheels – From my snow blower that is not in use.
Something Old – I love old barns, especially on blue sky days.
Rainbow – My daughter coloring one
Fruit – Yummy apples.
In Your Yard – Flags to mark where my electric lines are in case they decide to put a rain garden in our yard.
Out and About – At the Shining at the River Car Show
Hair – Wet from running in the sprinkler.
Something Odd – The catch lights in her eyes where not the same. Haven’t noticed that before so it was my “odd” thing for the day. BUT, beautiful baby all the way, love her!
Black and White
Handmade – Aren’t all buildings hand made?
Cold-Ice, brrr.
Tradition- Playing Bingo at our family reunion is a yearly tradition.
Fun-Playing kids games at the family reunion is FUN!
Street – The end of one.
Rough –Rocks are rough and make for pretty bokeh.
Upside Down-it was more me upside down, but I do love seeing what the flowers look like upside down.
Flower-ooops, did that the day before too. Not many flowers left blooming in my flower beds anymore. Seems like some of them bloomed early, leaving my flower beds less than amazing anymore.
Out in the Country-Taken outside during a photography workshop.
Calm-Flowers ALWAYS make me feel calm.
Self Portrait-My daughter did actually snap this shot of me, but I had gotten all the settings just right for her and tested on her in this same spot. Then I told her how to focus and where and shazam, she did great! The question is, why is my one eye always half closed when I smile, when I am resting…it doesn’t do that. Just curious.
Freebie-Grabbed this freebie of my littlest son who is no longer little.
There you go, the end of my July photo a day project.
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