Friday, April 2, 2010

Fix it Friday at I Heart Faces


Here is the original file that we were offered to edit:


1. The picture to begin with wasn’t awful so I only did some slight tweaking. I sharpened her, warmed her up and then added PW Lovely action to her to add another depth of warmth to her. She is a sweet girl so I wanted to keep it soft and sweet. I also wanted to keep her as natural as possible.

4482823426_06f1dc2151_b lovely

2.0I thought I would just do it in BW for fun.  4482823426_06f1dc2151_b bw copy

3. Just for a curious moment I thought I would crop her a few different ways. It feels more like a portrait, but the two cropped ones don’t capture that she is a little girl in love with her baby quite the same. What do you think?

4482823426_06f1dc2151_b copy4. 4482823426_06f1dc2151_b extra